
(2023/06/14 開催) SIセンター主催セミナー:Digital Twin for Industrial Control Systems


日時:2023年6月14日 水曜日 16:50 – 18:35
SI センターでは、Terecom SudParis 大学より Gregory Blanc 准教授をお招きしてセミナーを開催します。2023年6月14日 16:50-18:35 の日程にて、オンライン開催します。どなたでも参加可能ですので、是非ご参加ください。



(学内の方は ECCS アカウントをお使いください。学外の方はリクエストをお願いいたします。)

 Information systems are increasingly complex and spreading in every sector, often built from off-the-shelf components with little to no security guarantees. Testing is thus necessary to assess the level of security of a system. However, testing a whole system is often too expensive or infeasible for safety reasons. In this lecture, I introduce the digital twin (DT) concept to solve this problem. The DT has been considered to model complex and large industrial systems for which safety requirements prevent direct testing. This lecture explains how DT proposes a replica of a complete system by using data related to the system’s state under test, expert knowledge or even data from similar devices.

 Gregory Blanc received the Ph.D. degree from NAIST, Japan, in 2012. During his Ph.D., he chaired the Web 2.0 Application Security WG in the WIDE Project. He is an Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) with the Networks and Telecommunication Services Department, IMT/Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and a Coordinator of ICT Security Curriculum. He is the Co-Chair of WG7 on Network Security at Cybersecurity France–Japan and a Steering Committee Member of the RESSI Conference. His research interests include network security, network virtualization, and applications of machine learning to cybersecurity.
